
Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Neturei Karta meets Achmadinejad


After the Iranian Adolf Achmadinejad finished his anti - Semitic propaganda show at the UN in New York, he walked over to the Neturei Karta and had a friendly chat with them. And believe it or not, the Neturei Karta even gave a nice present to Achmadinejad: a wine goblet (cost: 700 Dollar).

Is he supposed to make Kiddush with it ?
And is the Neturei Karta secretly making some Kiruv ?

However, the Iranian Adolf assured the NT that he is aware of the difference between Zionists and Jews.
Well, he didn't really point that out too much in his speech at the UN.

After the meeting, Rabbi Israel David Weiss announced to the press that the meeting hab been extraordinary successful (whatever that means).

Rabbi Weiss also pointed out that the Neturei Karta and Achmadinejad have a common goal: rejecting the Zionists and their State. And, the Iranian President doesn't hate Jews but only Zionists.

How naive can someone be ?
Maybe Rabbi Weiss should speak to some Holocaust survivors.

Rabbi Israel David Weiss is convinced that Achmadinejad doesn't deny the Holocaust but condemns it just as everyone else.

My suggestion:
Why doesn't Rabbi Weiss move to Teheran ?

Here you are able to find all kinds of Neturei Karta Videos:

1 comment:

  1. B"H

    After I studied the anti - Zionist very carefully, I do understand many reason why people think that way. There is something to it but also plenty against it.

    The Neturei Karta doesn't care about anti - Semites or Gentiles but has its own goal by getting the secular state destroyed in order to bring Meshiach.

