
Friday, September 5, 2008

Shabbat in Jerusalem



Shabbat photos from Jerusalem

A Karliner Chassid in his Shabbat clothes.

Not much is going on in Jaffa Road but the border police are everywhere.

Before Shabbat: Shopping in the Machane Yehudah Market

The Kotel (Western Wall) on Erev Shabbat.

The "Shabbat Bride"


  1. old photos.

    Jaffa is a mess now oy. would take over an hour to get to central from king george.

    But oh how much i truly miss it. Shabbos at the Kotel.

    Good Shabbos!

  2. B"H

    I heard that the Jaffa traffic mess is going to last for at least one year. At the moment, I hardly take any buses because it is faster to walk. I am not standing in a chaotic traffic jam in King George for an hour or so.:-)))

    I wasn't at the Kotel this Shabbat but I am telling you, I had so many experiences in Mea Shearim that I could write a whole book.:-)))
    I'll write about it tomorrow. Not a book, but the short version.:-)))

    Shavua Tov - Have a great week !
