Again, this past Shabbat, the streets of Mea Shearim and Ge'ulah (ultra - orthod. neighbourhoods in Jerusalem) were full of flyers. Someone seems to come on Friday mornings or afternoons and just throw all those flyers out of a car window. The streets were full and over Shabbat, Mea Shearim looked like a garbage dumb.
At least five different flyers and Pakshivilim in the streets and on the walls referring to two subjects.
The first is the never ending accusation against the Chief Rabbi of the Kotel (Western Wall), Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch. The second issue is, how else could it be, the dispute between the chassidic groups Machnoke and Belz.
But first to Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch.
One group is making all kinds of accusations against the Kotel rabbi. He met leading figures of the Israeli government and the Israeli Zionist tourist information is showing the grave of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai on the Internet. This, on the other hand, would lead to the fact, that non - Jews could flock to the grave of one of the most important and famous Talmudic Rabbis. And not only Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai is buried in Meron (Northern Israel) but also his son Rabbi Elazar.
Why showing the gravesite on the Internet and enticing non - Jews to come ? What do they have to do with Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai ?
I actually very much agree with this, as I know the ridiculous Christian fundamentalist way of thinking. In the end the claim that Rabbi Shimon was one of them.
However, also other voices and Pakshivilim can be heard and read. And those are in favour of the Kotel rabbi. He would be a Torah person and it was him, bringing more Kedusha (Holiness) to the Kotel by introducing certain behaviour regulations and arranging further construction works.
The Fakshivili in favour of Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch is signed by people like:
Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef,
Rabbi Wosner,
Rabbi Steinman,
Rabbi Eliyashiv,
The Rebbe of Orloi,
The Rebbe of Seret - Vishnitz,
Rabbi Nissim Karelitz,
The Rebbe of Zanz,
Rabbi Kanievsky,
The Rebbe of Lelov,
The Rebbe of Sadigura,
The Rebbe of Nadvorna,
Rabbi Israel Hager (Vishnitz, Bnei Brak),
Rabbi Auerbach
by the Boyaner Rebbe.
Yesterday, I asked a friend about the people standing behind the attacks of the Kotel rabbi. The walls of Mea Shearim are full of curses and calling Rabinovitch a criminal working together with the evil Zionist government.
My friend only told me that the attackers would be "the white sox".
So, each of us can make up his own mind what this means !
ReplyDeleteLet's say:
"The Hungarians".:-))))
In the meantime, I also found out the real reason for the dispute.
Until now, the Yerushalmim are ruling over the grave in Meron. This means power and also money. An income from different sources.
Rabbi Rabinovitch would love to take over, rule by himself and push the Yerushalmim out.
This is the real reason some other Chassidim quoted me.
You won't mind any mentioning of this on the Fakshivilim.