
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Against Missionaries


Rabbi Tuvia Singer's Site against Christian missionaries:

Outreach Judaism


Quotation from Rabbi Singer:

"Jews for Jesus" is " trying to do to the Jews spiritually what Hamas is trying to do physically."

Missionaries at work
Arutz 7


  1. I went to Rabbi Tuvia's site two weeks and read all his articles and questions answered. After doing so, I ordered his Let's Get Biblical.

    Our congregation has started seeing a new tactic by these people. They come to our services and Torah study a couple of times. One was spouting non-sense about lucifer and the rabbi very nicely and forth fully deconstructed what the guy was saying. Also, several of us at Torah did the same, just not as effectively as our rabbi.

    There have been about three or so over the past year.

    It's like the are trying to infiltrate us. It's insidious.

  2. B"H

    Hi Shira,

    I am telling you, they have plenty of tactics in Jerusalem.

    First of all, the missionaries come with lots of money from the States, invite themselves to Jewish celebrations where they learn some concepts (to say "HaShem" etc.) and then they use what they've learned in order to missionize other Jews.

    Let's say they learned a few words like "HaShem", "Tanach", "Tefillin", they go up to other Jews, claim that they are Jewish themselves and that it would be totally fine believing in J. as well. "I can do it - so you can do it".

    Additionally they set up soupkitchens for the needy and thus exploit Jewish poverty. It sometimes is so disgusting what is happening here and it is anything but religious. Those missionaries are not "holy" but vicious.
