
Monday, October 6, 2008

Repentance or disgusting Minhag ?


There are several places for "Kapparot" in Jerusalem and the biggest of them are near "Kikar Shabbat" in Ge'ulah as well as a former schoolyard right next to the Machane Yehudah Market. Already last year, I stopped participating in the Kapparot because I learnt some details about this particular custom. Among others that the Ramban (Nachmanides) and Rabbo Yosef Karo regarded it as nothing else but a stupid superstition.

Honestly, I cannot see myself transferring my sins into a chicken.

Just for those who are not familiar with the custom of Kapparot:

Before Yom Kippur, which is starting this Wednesday night, Jews try to get rid of their sins or arouse G - d's mercy (Rachamim) for a favourable judgement on the holiday itself. Thousands of chickens are being ritually slaughtered for this reason. People go to those Kapparot places, buy a chicken, then it is getting slaughtered and mostly two different customs are taking place. Either people take the dead chicken home and eat it or they give it to the poor.

Every year, protests are taking place in Jerusalem and when I passed the place near Machane Yehudah last night, I saw some cops standing at the entrance to the Kapparot place. Sometimes demonstrators make a fuss, as they look at the whole custom as animal torture. I am not one of those but definitely feel sorry for all the chickens being killed. One may it call a Mitzwah but when I saw all the boxes with the chickens inside and smelled them (or maybe it even was the blood everywhere), I had enough and had to escape.

Whoever wants to participate in the Kapparot doesn't necessarily have to get rid of his sins through a chicken but can also give money. You pay a certain amount of money, mostly 4 - 5 Dollar and in return you get a Kapparot receipt. This kind of procedure makes people feel much better than those who do the chicken thing.

I just passed the chicken place once and I already had enough. Tuesday night I will pass the huge place in Ge'ulah and I am going to run through as fast as I can. Call it weak - I just cannot relate in any way to the Kapparot and will do without.

A man uses a rooster, a woman uses a hen. Say a prayer and you get rid of the sins.

The protesters


  1. Why don't they do tashlicht instead? We had ours on the beach in Biloxi. A small prayer is said and then as we cast the bread upon the water, each silently asks for HaShem's help in changing our lives to come closer to him. Each piece of bread symbolizes things that are harmful and need to be changed. Seems a better than casting a chicken around heads.

  2. B"H

    Hi Shira,

    You question is very interesting and I have never thought about it before.

    I found a good link to AISH HATORAH where the issue is explained:

    Or to say it with a few words:

    It is all in your mind and not in the chicken or bread.:-)

  3. Tashlich and Kapporos are two different customs on two different days. Tashlich is for Rosh Hashanah and Kapporos is for right before Yom Kippur.

    Please cite me the source where Ramban and the Beis Yosef call it a "stupid" superstition.

    You should become a vegetarian if Kapporos bothers you that much. Kapporos not only removes your sin but shows you how your chicken thigh gets from the chickens leg to your Shabbos table. Thats how the chickens are treated, stored, and slaughtered in the factories.

    The chickens will be killed anyway so I would rather buy a $18 chicken that will help feed poor Jews than give 4-5 dollars to charity.

    People will always protest Jews being Jews as long as there are Jews that desecrate Hashem, his Torah, and his holy Shabbos and Chagim.

  4. B"H

    Most information you are already able to find in the link I gave to Shira:

    Furthermore, I gave a link in the article.

    It is very well known that many famous Rabbis opposed the custom of Kapparot.

    4 - 5 Dollars ist just the suggested donation. The minimum. Of course, people give more and the amount shouldn't stipulate the sins anyway.

    As AISH HATORAH said - The sins don' go over into the chicken but should rather remind you of doing your own Teshuva inside yourself. This is the most important point. A chicken is of no use when you don't start your own inner Teshuva process.

  5. I never said that it transfers your sins to the chicken. I said the act removes your sins and a Chicken is used in the process because it was common food for people and thus a way besides money charity to help the poor as by using food you help someone fulfill the mitzah of eating before yom kippur. Money doesn't guarantee food.

    Ben Ish Hai in his work av Pe'alim (vol. 3, 19)

    Says you should do it.

    Chassidim follow the Mekualim over the Poskim so its no suprise that the Shulchan Aruch would not support something and others do it anyway.

    I want the actually sources of the Rema, Beit Yosef saying against using a chicken. Not an Aish article. I dont hold by Rabbeinu Aish. Just to note I agree that they dont support it, i just want to read their words.

    However, the Kabbalists (led by mystics such as Rabbi Isaac Luria and Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz) perceived in this custom mystical significance which strongly appealed to many people. This greatly enhanced the popularity of the kapparot ritual down to the present day.

    I would also disagree with Aish that you do not cast your sins away during Tashlich. In fact that is a Chasidic Minhag to shake your tzitzits corners when you finish the Tashlich prayers. Of course you need to mentally reflect on your error and sins and repent fully.

    Just like during the time of the temple. It was more than just spending $$$ and bringing an offering you had to repent and do teshuvah as well.

    I respect anyones right to refuse to do Kapparos in this fashion, but I felt the need to show error in the postings.

    May we all have a meaningful and easy fast and reflect and do full teshuvah to usher in Moshiach.

    PS. You should email Rabbi Lazer Brody to ask him about Breslov and Uman. He is a more credible and learned source than a Na Nach.

  6. B"H

    First of all, I think that AISH is a reliable source just as other Yeshivot, Rabbis or further institutions. Moreover, I gave an ARUTZ 7 link twice listing different sources. Just because you didn't know, doesn't mean that everybody else must be wrong.

    I don't think that there are mistakes in the article, as I do give links and whoever would like to, can Google by himself. However, it is very well - known that there are many Rabbis opposing the Kapparot. On the other hand, there are many who are in favour of them. Like the Mekubalim, as you mentioned.

    I spoke to many people and read many books on the Uman subject and why Rabbi Nachman told his Chassidim to go. I heard different versions but the one I quoted from Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan is the most common. If I was looking for a reliable source, I would rather ask an original Breslover from Mea Shearim and not really send an e - mail to Rabbi Brody. Nothing against Rabbi Brody, but I do speak to some of those very original Breslovers sometimes.
