
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Do not disturb tonight !


Do not disturb any Israelis tonight. Not even some Haredim. Don't make unnecessary phone calls to our country and expect people to answer.

Everyone will be too busy doing one thing:
Watching the final of the BIG BROTHER show.
Who is going to win BIG BROTHER tonight ?
This is the most important question in our country today. I heard that people even delayed trips in order to watch BIG BROTHER.

It wouldn't be so terribly important if one guy wasn't there. "Yossi Bublil" who is expected to be the big winner tonight. Bublil is 54 years old and from Ashkelon.

I just watched the show once and to me, Bublil seemed like an idiot. Arrogant and bossy. The typical Arsi (Sephardic Macho).
He is not that popular but, for some reason, people love to watch him.

Yossi's encounter with a door


  1. Never saw the show and don't want to, but I read that there is going to be a protest against the show at theTel Aviv Museum plaza by IUPA (Israeli Union of Performing Artists). I am not sure that they can offer anything better, but I do agree that there is too much crap on TV, including "Big Brother" (sorry)

  2. B"H

    For me, this Yossi is just an arrogant pervert who admitted live that him and his friends tried to force a woman to have sex with them.

    The TV channel Keshet claimed that although they a kind of punished Yossi, they would not fire him from the show.

    If he is winning tonight, it says a lot about many parts of our society.

  3. B"H

    And the winner is:
    Shifrah and NOT Yossi !!!

    1. Shifrah

    2. Yossi Bublil

    3. Itai

    4. Einav Bublil

    5. Leon

    Yossi Bublil was totally upset that he didn't make it and was a "bad" looser.
