
Monday, December 15, 2008

Nefesh BeNefesh can pay you off !


I don't have any confirmation for it but many people told me that Nefesh BeNefesh is paying off more and more people who are willing to make Aliyah to Israel. In particular Anglos.

The rumour says that each new immigrant receives a few thousand dollar in order to buy a house and equipment. Today I read in a Israeli daily that from now on, Nefesh BeNefesh is handing over luxury cars to those Anglos who are willing to build their new home in the northern part of the country. I think that the expensive car is available for about two years or so. A car for about 100.000 Shekels.

It is no wonder that new immigrants from other countries, but especially those Israelis immigrating in the 40ies, 50ies, etc. are getting upset. Not out of jealousy but they say that those wealthy Americans are coming here, throw around their money and feel superior to any Israeli.

In fact, many Americans do feel superior. No matter if some Yeshiva students coming here as tourists or new immigrants. The most popular quote among them is: "In the States its like this and like that ... ". Who wants to hear that as an Israeli ? Our country is different and those making Aliyah should get adjusted and build a life. And this includes, as I have already mentioned somewhere else, learning Hebrew.

However, many Nefesh BeNefesh Americans are being sent to live in Beit Shemesh or Modi'in where they build their own little American neighbourhood or in other words, a ghetto. I met a few claiming that Nefesh BeNefesh hadn't informed them about the daily Israeli life and Israeli mentality. Some Americans returned to the States because they couldn't get adjusted to Israel and were simply disappointed.

All the money makes it easier but for how long can you live on that ? And once the money is gone, your American ghetto may be gone, as then you are facing the real Israel. And Israel means a daily fight for existence unless you win the lottery.
Those who come here out of ideological reasons (Zionism, etc.) mostly have the strength to make it.

Just paying American Jews off to come here ... I am asking myself what kind of immigrants those taking the money are. It seems that the real true Zionist idea is gone and today Nefesh BeNefesh is just waving with Dollar bills.


  1. I think this offer refers to the "go north' programme:,7340,L-3638604,00.html

  2. B"H

    Yes, that't right.
    On the one hand, it seems to be very nice. Making Aliyah, having all this support and getting an Israeli family in order to get integrated.
    On the other hand, however, everything seems to be just too perfect. As a sceptical person, I am asking why Nefesh BeNefesh is making all these efforts. Efforts even after the actual Aliyah. In order to keep the new immigrants stuck with the organization ?

    I made Aliyah from Germany when Nefesh BeNefesh didn't even exist. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, as NBN is not involved with Germans but only with the French and Anglos.
    I only had the Jewish Agency and they informed you, provided the ticket and this was it.

    I prefered it much more because I was forced to make my own way and thus, got to know Israeli mentality very well. Immigration shouldn't only be served on a silver plate.

  3. The securities fraud of Bernard Madoff has just eliminated 50 billion US Dollars in investments. The list of investors hit by this fraud is long and illustrious. A couple of jewish organizations have already been completely wiped out and their funds are completely lost. I also expect that Nefesh b'Nefesh and JAFI will shut down in the next 12 month as their situation was already in financial dire straits. So I don't think that the 'Go North' programme will really launch as planned, if at all.
    I really cannot express my disappointment about Bernard Madoff who has just caused the Jewish community enormous damage, it will take years to recover from this.

  4. B"H

    I am not so sure about Nefesh BeNefesh, as they receive plenty of money from the American evangelists.

  5. Is making Aliyah to Jerusalem Tel Aviv or any major city on the same level as making Aliyah to Northern Cities?

  6. B"H

    It depends what you are looking for. The north is on a high level if you are able to find a job and have a family. Then this area is definitely better than crowded Tel Aviv or Jerusalem.
    However, NBF claims to provide people with a job.

    In case you are single and want some more action, the cities would better.

  7. B"H

    An additional aswer:

    Wages in Tel Aviv are rather high compared to Jerusalem and the north. However. TA and Jerusalem are quite expensive and when you live there, be aware that rent and food have their price. The north is much cheaper.

  8. Some things to consider:
    The average immigrant from North America who stays in Israel for 5 years, historically, has cost the state of Israel $100,000 per immigrant.

    Each Ethiopian immigrant costs about NIS 400,000 in terms of goods and services.

    Offering $41,000 per family (about 10,000 per individual) is not a great deal of money. The small print is that the subsidies also depend on need.

    My being rebels against the idea that Israelis will subsidize fairly rich Americans - (NBN is partly financed from Israel as it has taken over the function of the Jewish Agency evidently).

    It would be wonderful if Jews all wanted to come and live hear spontaneously, but that just doesn't seem to happen, does it?

  9. B"H

    There are still some idealists. When I came nine years ago, there were hardly any rights let alone money. Had I come one year later, a big Sal Klita would have waited for me.

    It is not bad getting some money to make a start but people seem to get used to it and then complain once the cash is gone.

    However, there are people here who refuse the Nefesh BeNefesh system, as the organization is financed by Christians and many Jews don't like that.
