
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pope should release Names of stolen Jewish Children


During and shortly after the Holocaust, the Catholic Church stole thousands of Jewish children including their Jewish identity. The Church's task was to transform them into "good Christians". Thus, Jewish children were baptized without even being aware of it. The head of Israel's anti - missionary organization "Yad Le'Achim" Dov Lipshitz says that the Holocaust is still going on until today.

A few weeks before his visit to Israel, Yad Le'Achim demands from Pope Benedict the identification of those children. It is just a disgrace for the Vatican that since the Holocaust, no pope has neither taken responsibility nor published the name of the stolen Jewish children.
On 20 November 1946, Pope Pius XII. sent a letter to Angelo Guiseppe Roncalli (the later Pope John XXIII.) asking him to baptize all Jewish children whose parents hadn't come back to the churches in order to pick up their children.
Especially in Eastern Europe (e.g. Poland) as well as in Belgium, Holland or France, thousands of Jewish parents took their children to facilities belonging to the church in order to save them from the death camps. In many cases the parents were killed and no one ever came to demand the children back. The church right away used the opportunity to missionize and baptize those orphans.
After the foundation of the State of Israel in 1948, the Chief Rabbinate demanded the names and the children. The Vatican, however, kept silent and refused any information on the whereabouts of the Jewish children. On the contrary, according to the weird church mind, the children had to be turned into Christians in order to bring about the second coming of their false Meshiach J.
How absurd because J. himself was a Jew.

All this sounds like a nightmare from the life during the Middle Ages. Inquisition, pogroms, Talmud burnings. The last Pope John Paul II., however, stated that he did not baptize a Jewish child. The same claim was made by Roncalli (Pope John XXIII.). Nevertheless, both of them participated in Pius' plot, as they continued refusing the release of those names.
