
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Putting Yourself Down


Parashat Tazria is telling us how we can get (biblical) leprosy and the following Parasha, Parashat Metzora explains us how to get rid of it.
An important reason for this kind of leprosy is "Lashon Harah - slander, gossip".

Usually people understand Lashon HaRah in a way that we shouldn't talk about other people.
That's right but there is also an Issur (prohibition) that we shouldn't talk Lashon HaRah about ourselves !

Putting oneself down is destructive and doesn't lead you anywhere but into a greater depression. In the end, you may give up and just run away. Instead we should all concentrate on our positive abilities, character traits and actions. Concentrate on what you have and not what you may be lacking.


  1. Amen!
    also one should prise somone, because from prising them one may come to talk of his shortcomings!

  2. B"H

    Where did I see that today ?
    Was it Talmud Arachin ?
    Anyway, doesn't it say that someone shouldn't praise another person too much, as then it comes to talks about his shortcomings ?

  3. i was tired and made many spelling mistakes and typo

    your right, one should NOT talk praise as........

    i learned in the chofetz chaim, very lickely that his source is the talmd u quote
