
Monday, May 25, 2009

Rabbi Wosner: Internet brings about Wars


The Internet is the cause of terrible wars and all problems. Since the creation of the world, there has never existed such a danger.

Gehinnom is awakened and many families have been destroyed.

The Rabbi stating this is Rabbi Shmuel Wosner from Bnei Brak.

It goes without saying that there is a danger of using the Internet. However, you cannot only concentrate on the negative side. The Internet has also many many positive sides and it always depends on how you use it.

First of all, haredi society has to start dealing with the subject "Internet". Only banning it doesn't help because those Haredim who want to use it will always find a way. Even if it is an Internet Cafe or a public library.
I don't have the perfect solution (if there is one at all) but my own opinion is that some parts of haredi society are so closed / reserved concerning sex and women that countless male Haredim become curious. Curious about the outside world and what is going on. Furthermore, beyond there world is room for some of them, fulfilling there special desires they may not do with their own wives.

There is no perfect society in this world and it depends on us, our will and character traits. You can try banning everything with a negative influence but this doesn't mean that you get rid of people's desires.

Further decrees from Rabbi Wosner:

The female Voice

Further Link:

A Yetzer called Pornography


  1. One wrong click, one mispelled word in the browser, and it could be the beginning of the end. I'm a very modern guy, a ba'al teshuva, and I still believe this. Just one of a myriad of examples. There is a very good Torah site, If you accidently type in, I believe it is, don't remember for sure, you get a bunch of friendly young faces inviting you to explore the website. It's a chritian missionary website. Imagine some religious kid who might already have some issues with yiddishkeit. It could be the beginning of the end.

    One look at pornography by mistake even by an otherwise religious guy, someone who's never been exposed to this type of thing before. It could be like a drug. One time and you're stuck.

  2. B"H

    Yes, I do know and, Baruch HaShem, I always spelled the name in the right way.

    In the past, I had quite a few Haredim sitting next to me at various places and they did look at pornogrophy. And I have to say that you are right saying that it could be a drug.
    In fact, it could have different effects but not every Haredi looking at pornography got to such a site by accident (misspelling). There are actually those who directly look for those sites.
