
Friday, May 8, 2009

Shabbat Shalom


This afternoon, I am going to Jerusalem for Shabbat. Until then, I am going to enjoy Tel Aviv and do what many inhabitants do: Walk around, sit in a park or at the beach, have a cup of coffee and relax / getting my mind in order.

Many times, only the thought of going to Jerusalem causes me a headache. Yes, I know, it is the Holy City and we should think of something spiritual. Nevertheless, to me, Jerusalem also stands for religious pressure and as soon as the bus enters Jerusalem and Givat Shaul (haredi neighbourhood right at the entrance to Jerusalem) is at sight, it makes me already aware of where I am. It very much depends on the daily mood: There are times, when I don't care and there are other times, when my stomach begins turning around.

However, this time, I am "only" in Jerusalem until Sunday morning and this gives me a much better feeling.

But my intention is not, to ruin anyone else's Shabbat.:-) Just the opposite, enjoy it, as I do. I haven't decided yet what I am going to do. Maybe going to Rabbi Mordechai Machlise's house, maybe for a Tish. As the weather is nice, I also like to go to a park (Gan Sacher) and enjoy nature. Not only sitting inside and chewing my Shabbat meal until Shaalei Shudos (meal before Shabbat ends).

Have a great Shabbat everyone - Shabbat Shalom - Gut Schabbes !

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