
Sunday, May 10, 2009

"Shame on you, Municipality !"


When the bus I took from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem entered the Holy City last Friday afternoon, I saw several small and one or two big posters welcoming the Pope. The posters were hung up by the municipality; on the right side of the road.

No one did so for Condoleeca Rice, nobody does so for Hillary Clinton or any other politician. I didn't feel very proud of being in Jerusalem when I saw the Pope staring at me from the posters. Of course, Jerusalem is open to everyone and the inhabitants should greet every visitor. However, this Pope is extremely controversial in Israel, as he was a member of the Hitler Youth and the German Nazi Wehrmacht. Many Holocaust survivors are upset and don't want someone like this in our country.

Furthermore, the Pope made specific agreements with the Palestinians and he demands land for the Catholic church from the Israeli government. Especially Mount Zion in the Old City of Jerusalem. The location of King David's grave (there is no real proof that it really is David's grave) and the Diaspora Yeshiva.

Also Mea Shearim is attacking the Pope's visit and calls him the "Head of the Impurity". However, I was shocked once again when I heard that this Tuesday, the Pope is marching into "Heichal Shlomo" = Jerusalem's Great Synagogue.

Aren't there any protests or is everyone just in Meron lighting the bonfire ? Maybe this is the best response to the idol - worshipper. Just ignoring him and serving Hashem.


  1. i wish he could be put atop one of the bonfires

  2. I had the same reaction but I'm not sure we are right.

    When Yakov needed to meet his brother Essaw, he send him gifts before...

    Perhaps we also needs to do that for the Pope....

    Don't know....

    A very interesting article here

    Jeremie (Bnei Brak)

  3. B"H

    @ Jeremie

    You always have to keep in mind that the Pope doesn't come on, what you would call, a "peaceful" trip.
    He demands land from our government, supports the return of the Palestinian "refugees" and stands for a "Jerusalem for all Nations". For a division of our capital.

    When you have a look into the secular paper "Yediot Acharonot" today, you will even find there not such a great welcoming for a Pope with Wehrmacht history.

    Rabbi Lau said that we shouldn't rejct the Pope because it may cause anti - Semitism abroad and we shouldn't give our enemies an opportunity to rejoice.

    I can understand that. On the other hand, don't we have to ask ourselves, if we don't give in too much.

  4. I'm sure we are giving too much.

    Send me your email at Jeremie ate

    I will send you something very interesting
