
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Was Ge'ulah shop really attacked ?


Last Thursday I read a brief message on a haredi forum where someone announced that the Judaica store Waxberger in Ge'ulah (near Mea Shearim) was attacked by the Sikarikim. Anyone knows if this was truly the case ?

According to the message, the Sikarikim attacked the store because the owner had been selling special offer bus tickets to Meron. Egged bus tickets and Egged is considered "treife - (unkosher)".

Also yesterday (Shabbat), Mea Shearim and Ge'ulah were full of Pakshivilim calling the haredi population not to purchase any Egged bus tickets but taking the "kosher' buses instead.

1 comment:

  1. Somehow my comment above got mixed up! I meant the video posted above this about "so you want to boycott Israel". That was awesome--thugs destroying a person's business is disgusting!
