Last Thursday I read a brief message on a haredi forum where someone announced that the Judaica store Waxberger in Ge'ulah (near Mea Shearim) was attacked by the Sikarikim. Anyone knows if this was truly the case ?
According to the message, the Sikarikim attacked the store because the owner had been selling special offer bus tickets to Meron. Egged bus tickets and Egged is considered "treife - (unkosher)".
Also yesterday (Shabbat), Mea Shearim and Ge'ulah were full of Pakshivilim calling the haredi population not to purchase any Egged bus tickets but taking the "kosher' buses instead.
Somehow my comment above got mixed up! I meant the video posted above this about "so you want to boycott Israel". That was awesome--thugs destroying a person's business is disgusting!