
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Just Curious


After noticing how many hits I actually do get on the video of Daniel Pearl's execution, I am asking myself why there are so many people interested in seeing this.

A couple of months ago, I wrote about Daniel Pearl's Yahrzeit and I found the execution video on the Internet. The video totally shocked me and I was asking myself how much Daniel had to go through. However, it wasn't easy getting to the video, as I had to sign up for it.

My question is why there are so many people watching this ?
Maybe someone watching it would like to explain his reason !


  1. I don't know if people can explain themselves, particularly because even after seeing the full horror, and knowing that it is "common" they still insist that our "muslim friends" are a peace-loving people. I went to the site because a friend told me to look at it and remember. Maybe that has to be the message--look closely and see that this type of behavior for what it is and know that it is increasing and spreading, and one day it will be in your own back yard. We should remember Daniel Pearl and learn...

  2. B"H

    That's right, we should learn.

    After watching the video, I didn't really feel like making peace with any Achmadinejad Iran, Gaza Hamas, Hizbollah or Afghanistan.

    How can we make peace with such human beings ? If you can call them human.

    By the way, I also had many people from those countries watching the video.
