
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Latest Pashkevilim

The Edah HaCharedit is not willing to give in and continues fighting against the opening of the Safra parking lot in Jerusalem.

Pashkevilim: Ladaat.Net

Against police violence at the past demonstration in Mea Shearim.

Outsiders usually see the Haredim as the big aggressors and they would deserve being arrested. Maybe. But how about the extreme violence of Jerusalem's police and its head Ilan Franco. Has anyone seen Ilan Franco in action ?

Anyone ?

Well, I have and let me tell you, you don't want to have anything to do with this choleric guy.

Photos: Haaretz

Ilan Franco (left).

I am anything but withewashing certain Haredim but you have to look at a side of the police which is totally unjustified. If anyone still has his doubts, ... well, ask the settlers.

Picture: Yeshiva World


  1. He is way out of control. Some time ago I was at a demonstration and this guy was up front and getting ugly. A situation that was peaceful soon changed. He has a hot temper and acts with violent aggression. Definitely the Wrong person for this job. I think they should seriously look at his actions--then get rid of him!

  2. B"H

    Maybe I am naive but I imagine a head of the police as someone calm trying to solve crazy situations peacefully. However, Ilan Franoc just freaks out.
    Former chief Micky Levy used to be much better in his job !

  3. I think you're completely wrong on this issue Miriam. When people are throwing bottles, rocks, fruit etc. and burning garbage cans in the street, in other words, perpetrating violence, the only thing to do is act back with violence. What do you want the police to do? Serve bagels and lox and bring them flowers?

  4. B"H

    Concerning settlers and Haredim, the police acts with an unbelievable violence. And believe it or not, there actually is a difference between violence and violence.

    Two years ago, I witnessed a demonstration against a Chadad concert in Jerusalem's Channah Street (Rehov Channah). Haredim were demonstrating against Chabad because in the years before, Chabad organized a Sukkot concert without a Mechitzah. Then, two years ago, due to the demonstration announcements, Chabad set up a Mechitzah.

    Anyway, many Haredim were protesting peacefully and suddenly Franco appeared and parts of the demonstration ended in a katastrophe.

    However, I will write more on this after Shabbat and also put in a video where you can see an example.

    Don't get me wrong ! I am not justifying haredi violence but many times, the police just storm into houses, run over the women and search people in order to beat them up.

  5. You are right Miriam! I have seen this guy in action. He is angry before he arrives and if anything he is the one to begin the violence. People who do not see him in action should be careful before they comment!
