
Thursday, September 10, 2009

False Claims about Micky Mayon


Do you remember
Micky Mayon who was accused of being a Ku Klux Klan member and got arrested in Tel Aviv about two months ago ?

As I have already stated, I knew Micky from downtown Tel Aviv and I am not too convinced that he was a real member of the radical anti - Semitic group. He didn't like religious Jews but didn't seem to have any problems with the secular inhabitants of Tel Aviv.

Article: Yahoo

The Israeli police, the press and some Jewish blogs made the claim that Micky was changing his location every few weeks and thus, the cops were unable to catch him.
This claim is false, as Micky Mayon spent almost his entire time in Israel in one hostel in Tel Aviv: At the "Sky Hostel". He stayed there at least from March 2008 - about three weeks before he got arrested !
During that time, he never changed his location. Not even for one day. Three weeks before his arrest, he moved in with friends and one day before he got arrested, he checked into the Indian hostel in the Florentin neighbourhood.

Is the Israeli police to proud to admit that they just weren't aware of him staying in the country ?

And what about his former pregnant girlfriend who turned him in ? Her pregnancy miraculously just seems to have disappeared or in other words: She has never been pregnant.

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