
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mea Shearim Mother fired her Lawyers


During this morning's hearing at the court, the "abusive" Mea Shearim mother fired her lawyers David HaLevi and Reuven Bar - Chaim. From now on she will be represented by the lawyers Dr. Aviad Cohen, Dr. Shachar Eldar as well as by the haredi lawyer Devorah Attiah.

Source: Kikar.Net

To be honest: I cannot follow the case anymore. Now the Supreme Court allows the mother to be in Mea Shearim with her children but all the complications with her lawyers and the wheelings and dealings of the people around her ...

Who talks about the three - year - old boy ? Does the individual count or do the Toldot Aharon just see their society at stake ?


How does the mother deal with the outside world ?


  1. I have worked with all 3 of the doctors whom the pashkvillim tarred as "Mengele", with the logo of the knife dripping blood. All 3 of them are extremely devoted to their craft and to their patients; the two with whom I have worked closely are real menschen.

    The reaction of the Eda to this case turns my stomach. Any sentimentality I had for Toldos Aharon has been totally annihilated. Something is seriously wrong with the group as a whole. I pray to overcome my feelings of disgust and anger towards them.

  2. B"H

    I am sure that they are devoted doctors.

    Sometimes I think that the mother is guilty and then I have moments where I do have my doubts.
    The case has become so confusing in the meantime. I think the biggest mistake was to go public. There should have been a way of handling the whole issue quietly. The Toldot Aharon should have sent a negotiater instead of demonstrating. Someone like Pappenheim or Litzman.

    Now it is only a delicate matter of finding a solution. I don't think the mother is going to jail but will, as a comprominse, enter some psychological treatment.

    In a way I can understand the Toldot Aharon because they haven't learned how to deal with such a matter. Suddenly their world is falling apart and the wider public streams into the backyard.

    Let me tell you that the entire haredi world thinks that the mother is innocent. That the hospital made a mistake and the whole thing now is a cover - up.

  3. untill te police went back on thie promise to release the mother on the first tuesday after she was arrested, all was quiet, it only got out of hand hen the police lied
    this is a fact that can be verified. i am not justifying the demonstrators, but i think the case should be viewd 100

  4. B"H

    There are definitely incidents in this case where it is not clear whose fault what exactly is. I agree that the entire case needs to be investigated very carefully.

  5. B"H

    It could be that something went wrong the the person writing me a long comment didn't get published here. However, Blogger is facing technical difficulties at the moment and hopefully the comment will appear later.

    However, here is my answer to it:

    First of all, the name of the woman is Yente Markovitch (not Rabinovitch) nee Eisenbach.
    The Eisenbach family is an old Yerushalmi family and very much accepted within the Toldot Aharon.
    So, what, as an ordinary individual, are you going to do when suddenly someone from such a family is being accused of a crime ?

    I spoke to a Chassid from a different Chassidut a few weeks ago and he told me that in HIS group, such a case would never happen. Neither would a woman abuse her child nor would they wildly demonstrate but rather get a negotiater involved.

    Of course, the haredi claim the mother would be innocent makes them look stupid in the eyes of the vast Israeli (secular) population. The hospital has all the proof in the world although Yoelish Kroisz (born Toldot Aharon but now the head of a Neturei Karta group in Mea Shearim) claimed in the Toldot Aharon video (Arutz 10) that he has proof that the hospitals were wrong.

    But because of all the environment surrounding the case, the judge and everyone else has to act very carefully in order not to cause any further violence.

  6. I know her name is Markovitch. I wrote the wrong name because it was 2AM and I was trying to burn off adrenaline from a rough shift at the hospital. Also, I have a lovely cousin who is also named Chaim Markovich.

    "[T}he haredi claim the mother would be innocent makes them look stupid in the eyes of the vast Israeli (secular) population"

    Definitely in the eyes of the secular population, and from what I hear, in the RZ population as well. I was talking about the MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL population, which includes religious, traditional and secular individuals. They are accustomed to periodic routine abuse from some of the public, but this incident has struck a nerve. The widespread perception is not only that Yenta's population is ignorant and hostile, but untrustworthy and risky for medical personnel to treat.

    Whatever happens in the courts and in the streats, this is a mark that will affect the Eda community for a long time in its contacts with the medical establishment.

    It was an ill thought-out move for people whose lack of scientific education leaves them totally dependent on outsiders.

  7. B"H

    I don't think that this case is effecting the Edah for a long time. The organization has faced many challenges throughout its existence.

    Not everybody in this society has a lack of scientific education. There are people who do know a lot and even write books. I personally know Haredim from Mea Shearim and elsewhere who know about science and all kinds of philosophical issues. Including Aristotle and others.

  8. I'm not impugning anyone's intelligence, but Aristotle does not qualify one to practice, or even understand medicine.

    I'm sure the Eda will go on, but they ARE responsible for their chilul Hashem on a spiritual as well as sociological level. For many medical personnel, treating this group is becoming roughly equivalent of treating, say narcotics addicts. Perceived untrustworthiness leads to defensive medicine, and a physician who's always watching his back cannot utilize all his resources to achieve the primary goal of healing the patient.

  9. I found it so funny in the Toldos Aharon video when the chosid kept saying "baruch Hashem," in answer to the question "so there are no problems at all in Toldos Aharon?" This reminds me of my Rabbi in Kiryas Yoel, who when we're walking the streets likes to say, "here there are no problems. No drugs, no adultery, not a single problem!" How about the rampant soliciting of prostitutes? How about Satmar separating children from their parents at times after they bring them over from Yemen, and promise them an ideal life. How about the sadomasochism? How about chassidim in New York always running after German women and offering huge sums to live out their fantasies? I'm sure that there are just as many problems in Toldos Aharon.

  10. B"H

    I just Aristotle as an example that there are actually academic people in the haredi world. Even in Mea Shearim.

    Unfortunately, there is a lack of knowledge in science and even certain parts of the acceptance of it.

    But when you look a few days backwards, the head of the Edah, Rabbi Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss, went to Hadassah Hospital for a medical check.

    I am sure there are problems in any society; also in haredi or closed chassidic society. The latter just has the talent to cover it up. They don't get the police involved but try to find there own solution like sending a drug addict to a different school or give him special guards watching him.

    Why do NY Chassidim run after German women ?
    Is this true and if, they seem to have a serious mental problem.

    In Israel, many Haredim go to prostitutes. People say that they do so when their wives are in Niddah.
    My personal experience is that many of those guys watch pron on the Internet. I have witnessed that more than several times and once even complained to the library clerk about a young Chaasid in his early twenties sitting in a public place with Jewish holy books around him watching staring at pornographic pictures.
