
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

No more non - Jews at the Machlises !


The Machlis family asked me to announce the following:

The Machlis family has been providing Shabbat meals for Jewish tourists as well as for Israelis and Yeshiva students for 25 years. The family is well - known and extremely popular.
Lately, the family has been receiving countless complaints from their Jewish Shabbat guests about the presence of Gentiles. In fact, the amount of Gentiles sitting at Rabbi Mordechai Machlise's Shabbat table has drastically risen within the past year. Whole Christian tourists groups are coming. Many in order to get a free meal, others to learn from Jews in order to missionize them afterwards.

Many Jews, including myself, don't like the Christians at the Schabbes table and they, on the other hand, mostly don't care about Jewish traditions. They just want to sit among Jews, feels accepted, eat for free and, sometimes, even spread their idolworship propaganda.
Especially many German Christians have been coming to the Machlises lately, and Germans, are mostly disliked my many Jewish guests. Jewish guests who are from America and whose grandparents went through the Holocaust. Sudednly they have to sit at a Jewish home next to a German. Of course, not every German is a Nazi but the uncomfortable feeling remains.

Furthermore, as soon as the Gentiles appear, their cellphones start ringing. They don't even bother turning them off nor do many male Gentile guests wear Kipot. As a matter of fact, many regular Jewish guests, including myself, refuse going to the Machlises anymore. And if not, they reduce their visits. Last Erev Sukkot, the amount of Christians was much higher than the amount of Jewish guests.

Now the Machlis family is changing its policy. They want JEWISH guests, as they also feel uncomfortable with all the Gentiles streaming in.
Even travel agents give the Machlis address over to their Gentile customers and this should stop immediately ! 
No more Gentiles at the Machlises !

1 comment:

  1. I have been reading your blog since late 2007 and have been a guest of rabbi Machlis when I lived in Yerushalayim. This is indeed a very necessary step that needs to be taken. Just limit the entrance to Jews. I frankly don't understand those people coming to us as if they visit a zoo, watching and analyzing us, and the worst of it is that they just lack any basic respect for our tradition (phones on shabes, no kippah, trying to convert people, etc.)
