
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sukkot in Jerusalem


Palestinians keep on rioting around the Temple Mount and make their people believe that the Jews are planning to storm the Al - Aksa - Mosque. A ridiculous accusation and the Israeli press now speaks about the fact that the riots had been prepared in advance. Wheelbarrows full of stones were found on the Temple Mount. Stones ready to be thrown at Jews praying at the Western Wall (Kotel).

The only concern Israel has at the moment is trying to avoid a spreading of the riots all over the country. A spread is exactly what the Arabs are palnning and thus, a third Intifada. Nevertheless, thousands of Jews are touring through the Jewish Quarter at the moment. It is Sukkot and a bunch of mad Palestinians cannot stop us from walking around in our city.

Last night, after coming from the great Sukkot party at Rabbi Mordechai Machlises house, I went to Mea Shearim with a friend. As I have already mentioned, the Toldot Aharon have a new Synagogue right next to their old building. Parts of the old Building were demolished and another part was intergrated into the new building. Very posh, I have to say.
Although the new building needs lots of more constructions, the staircase is ready. Just like Vishnitz in Bnei Brak, the new TA Synagogue has two floors Ezrat Nashim (women's side).
Thousands of religious Jews have been visiting Mea Shearim during the ongoing Sukkot holiday. Last night, we went to theSukka of Rabbi Shalom Arush from Chassidut Breslov. There, the women have to stay outside the Sukka and only men are allowed in. By the way, it is only men who receive something to eat.

The same at the Toldot Aharon. Men are having meals.
Not that I am running after a meal but I just let you know some female thoughts about the preference of men.:-)

After Rabbi Arush and the TA, we went to the "Mishkenot HaRoim" in Mea Shearim Street. It finally turned out that women are allowed to enter; through a special door in the Sukka in front of the Synagogue. Neither at the Mishkenot HaRoim nor at the Toldot Aharon we were able to see much. The places were more than packed but there was a great atmosphere.

Further details are folling soon !

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