
Friday, November 26, 2010

Photos from the DONA GRACIA FESTIVAL in Tiberias


Honestly, I was expecting a little more from the DONA GRACIA FESTIVAL taking place in in Tiberias last week. The Dona Gracia Hotel was the organizer of the festival to remember the great woman Dona Gracia and her 500th birthday. However, most events actually took place at the hotel itself and many Tiberias inhabitants didn't even know about the festival.

The festival began on November 15, 2010, and mostly consisted of music performances. Concerts and some short trips but nor for free. On November 16, the concerts taking place at the promenade of the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) were for free and hundreds of spectators came. I doubt that all of them had a deeper knowledge about who Dona Gracia actually was but the people enjoyed the performances. I have to admit that I didn't like them too much. Too commercialized and the female singers appeared to be dressed immodestly. This reason alone let the religious population stay a way. A real pity !

The only people performing in a natural Dona Gracia way where some youngsters dressed in medieval clothes. I asked them for a group photo and two other teenager joined (see bottom picture).

Maybe I expected too much but I would have preferred theatre plays in the streets, as Jerusalem sometimes does during Sukkot. Two or three actors stand at a corner and just perform a small dialogue dressed in the clothes the Jews used to wear during Temple times.

I will continue writing about Dona Gracia and her life in a more detailed way !

Photos: Miriam Woelke

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