
Monday, December 20, 2010

Who was the false Christian Meshiach ? - Part 2


Here is the second part of the two part series about the false Meshiach J. Please find the first part HERE !

• The real name of John the Baptist was Yochanan ben Zecharia. His mother’s name was Elisheva. John saw his task in announcing to the Jews that the times of Meshiach are getting close and, therefore, every Jew has to do Teshuva. In Judaism, a ritual bath in the Mikveh stands for “Tahara – Purity”. Yochanan also wanted to clean the soul of the Jews. Everything regarding the speedy arrival of Meshiach. He led his life without drinking wine and without eating bread.
• Why did Yochanan not join the J. crowd when he, as stated, saw that J. is the Meshiach ?
• J. did not run against the Torah but even agreed with the leading Rabbis that the Shabbat was created for men and not men for the Shabbat.
• Already during Temple times, certain Jewish groups refused to follow the “Torah She’Ba’al Peh – The oral Law (Talmud)”. The Sadducees (Hebrew: Zaddukim), for instance, don’t follow the oral law in most cases and don’t even believe in the principle of “S’char veOnesh – Reward and Punishment”.

The Jewish Principle of “Reward and Punishment:

G – d created this world on an imperfect level, otherwise everything would just be perfect. Including humankind. If the world was on an imperfect level, we humans wouldn’t have a FREE CHOICE in life but only act holy. This, however, was not G – d’s intention when He created the universe.
G – d decided to create an imperfect world in order to enable humans (especially the Jews) to perfect the world. For instance through prayer, Mitzvot or Tikkunim (soul rectifications). In particular, Jews have the task to perfect the world through Torah Mitzvot. Every Mitzvah is another step towards perfection and the coming of Meshiach. Nevertheless, the Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin teaches us different ways of how Meshiach is going to come. One possibility is that the world is so bad that Meshiach has no choice but to come.
Gentiles can perfect the world by following the Seven Noachide Laws and not falling into idol - worship. Jews, however, have the G – dly task to follow the Torah Mitzvot. The Ramchal, Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, wrote in his book “Adir ba’Marom” that only Jews are able to cause a “Tikkun Olam – A Rectification of the whole World”. Gentiles may follow the Torah Mitzvot but don’t cause any Tikkun.

• J.’s prophecy that the Second Temple would be destroyed in a way that no stone remains on top of each other was a false prophecy. Also that the destroyed Temple would be rebuild in three days. This is why the Sanhedrin saw in him a false prophet and false prophets, according to Talmud Sanhedrin deserve punishment. Not even the prophets from the First Temple period demanded that the Temple has to be destroyed. Those prophets prophesized that the Temple will be destroyed if the Jews don’t repent, but never dared to proclaim that they (the prophets) want to destroy the Temple.
• The New Testament claims that one of the J. disciples, Yehudah Ish Kariot, betrayed J. and received money from the Sanhedrin. The Gospels tell different stories about the incident: It says in Marc that the Sanhedrin didn’t want to pay anything. In Matthew it says that Yehudah received money but Luke and John don’t mention anything in this respect. The question is whether the entire incident with Yehudah Ish Kariot is true or not. If so, Yehudah may have been disappointed by J. because he realized that J. is not the Meshiach at all.
• J. told his disciples to influence the Jews only and NOT the Gentiles (Matthew 10:5 – 7). He wanted his teaching for the Jews only and, later on, only Paul decided to spread the teachings among the other nations because he couldn’t find too many Jews believing in J.
• The High Priest (Cohen HaGadol) Yosef ben Kaifa (Kaifas) didn’t accuse J. of any religious crime because it was well – known that J. followed the laws of the Torah. The accusations, however, took place on a political level: That J. wanted to destroy the Temple and that he called himself the “Son of G – d”. I have already explained that J. could not have been any son of G – d. One of the main reasons was that his mother Miriam was totally unaware of anything special happening before and after he was born. On the contrary, as his own family saw in him nothing but a lunatic.
• The entire meeting with the Sanhedrin could not have taken place on Friday because there weren’t any meetings of the judges on a Friday. Not on Fridays and especially not on a Jewish holiday (it was Pessach !). If the trial took place on a holiday, there must have been a severe “Pikuach Nefesh” reason. One of the reasons may have been that the Sanhedrin wanted to avoid a rebellion against Rome during Pessach.
• The Sanhedrin only accused J. of being a false prophet but wouldn’t have sentenced him to death, as Talmud Sanhedrin 41 teaches us that criminal Jews were only sentenced to death about 40 years before the destruction of the Temple. J.’s trial, however, took place long before those 40 years began.
• Miriam HaMigdalit – Miriam from Migdal. The small village “Migdal” exists until today and is located outside Tiberias at the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret).
• Paul – his Hebrew name was Sha’ul. He was born in Tarsus and his father was obviously a religious Jew. Sha’ul, however, became secular.
• J. never had the intention to introduce a new religion. The only thing he wanted was a slight change in Judaism; he planned to do so in the sense of the Torah and not against it. Despite all claims, he always remained what he always was: A Jew !

1 comment:

  1. There is an article published some years ago that is very well written. It shows how yoshke couldn't be the Moshiach by analyzing carefuly his own words, deeds and false prophecies. I remember having made read this article to a Christian, he remained speechless. Enjoy!
