
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Interview with TAMAR FOGEL from Itamar


A little more than a week ago, 12 - year - old Tamar Fogel returned home from a youth trip and found her parents and three of her siblings brutally murdered. A few days ago, the Israeli second TV channel interviewed Tamar (see video below).

Tamar Fogel says that her parents always supported "Achdut". Jews should not fight each other.  Jonathan Pollard ' s second wife, Esther, had come to the Shiva and given  a teddy baer to Tamar. The 12 - year - old admires Jonathan Pollard and calls him a "Zaddik - Righteous" who has been in jail for 28 years.

Until about five years ago, the Fogel family had been living in Gush Katif until former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon gave Gush Katif to Gaza (and thus, to the Hamas). Tamar Fogel wants more settlements to be build. Furthermore, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to the Fogels' sitting Shiva and said: "Hem Rotzchim, anachnu bonim - They are murderers, we build !" Tamar Fogel states that, later on, she spoke to Netanyahu privately and asked him why he wants to build settlements and then, influenced by foreign politicians, throws the settlers out again.

I really admire Tamar for not going crazy and keeping up her ideology. As she says in the interview: "Everything comes from G - d !"

Should the pictures of the massacre of the Fogel family have been published ?

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