Monday, July 23, 2012

Is MEGILLATH EICHA still being studied in the days of Meshiach ?


Is MEGILLATH EICHA still being studied in the days of Meshiach ? 

An interesting question, as most of us think that, once Meshiach has arrived, the Torah be will the same and valid eternally. However, Yom Kippur will be cancelled because there is no need for atonement anymore. People won’t even think about going against G – d. Jews and Gentiles alike. 

And yes, in the days of Meshiach, there will still be Jews and Gentiles but no more Gentile idol – worship such as Buddhism, Krishna or Christianity. With the arrival of Meshiach, the world will recognize ONE G – d. 

But coming back to the question: 

Is the Jewish world still going to study the "Book of Eicha" after Meshiach’s arrival ? 

The answer I found is YES. The Megillah is part of the Tanach and nothing from the Tanach may be erased, added or changed. And it is especially the study of the "Book of Eicha" making us even more appreciate the Ge’ulah (Redemption). Otherwise we may forget in what great times we live once Meshiach is there.

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