Saturday, September 1, 2012

New Calendar 5773 / תשע"ג


This year's Rosh Hashana is starting in the evening of 16 September (Sunday night). Although Israel is a rather secular country, Israelis buy their calendars for the New Year before Rosh Hashana and not in January. 

A few days ago, I went to Ge'ulah (next to Mea Shearim in Jerusalem) and purchased my new calendar for 5773. The only problem is that when you buy your calendar in a haredi neighbourhood, the calendar itself won't include dates such as "Israeli Independence Day - Yom Ha'azma'ut" or the national "Holocaust Remembrance Day - Yom Hashoah". On the other hand, I still prefer the haredi style calendar, as it includes all kinds of important dates. Yahrzeits and any Ta'anit, for instance. 

The Jewish year can be expressed as a figure (the upcoming year is 5773). At the same time, a year can also be expressed in Hebrew letters, as those letters stand for figures (Aleph = 2, Beth = 2, etc). The New Year 5773 in letters:  תשע"ג

A brief look into my new calendar. 

Photos: Miriam Woelke

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