Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Franz Kafka and Chassidut Gur


In 1924, several months before he died, the famous author Franz Kafka fell in love with Dora Diamant (Dymant). She was the daughter of a Gerer chassid (Gur) and at that time, she started a rebellion against her father. A little later, she started an affair with Franz Kafka. Their relationship became serious and Kafka asked Dora to marry him. He even wrote a letter to her father asking for permission.

However, Dora's father went with the letter to the Gerer Rebbe and asked for advice. The Rebbe said "NO" to the wedding, and a little later, Kafka died of Tuberculosis. Dora went to Palestine and her further whereabouts are unknown.

There is a rumour that the Gerer Rebbe cursed Kafka but I do think that this opinion is an exaggeration. Franz Kafka had been suffering from Tuberculosis long before he died.

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