Der Rebbe hutt gesugt – Yiddish: The Rebbe saidOur favourite Tishes, Toldot Aharon and Avraham Yitzchak, are only going to take place again in another three weeks or so. Both Rebbes are abroad.
My special subject, writing about one of the most extreme Chassidic groups, the Toldot Aharon, is delayed. On the one hand, this gives us enough opportunities to visit other Tishes and write about the smaller groups of Mea Shearim. Who, outside the chassidic world, knows about the Slonim, Karlin – Stolin or Kretchnif ?
But, on the other hand, my friend and I do miss going to the Toldot Aharon Tishes. There, we met the nicest women and I spoke with quite a few people. It is rather easy to approach them if you speak the haredi language. Not a particular language of course but people simply feel if you are in society or not. Haredi Yeshiva students shouldn't face any problems there.
Lots of haredi experience or not, it does take plenty of time to get closer and have a more private discussion. Especially if you don't live in the Mea Shearim / Ge'ulah neighbourhood. Another reason might be that I am shy and I admit that I think far too much. Instead of asking "Was machste – How are you", I start thinking about the most complicated questions and in the end there is nothing but silence. This once happened to me when a young Toldot Aharon girl approached me, sat down beside me and wanted to talk. But I started thinking and this was it.
Additionally I have to admit that I don't publish everything we are experiencing at the Tishes or in the streets. One reason is that I haven't sorted out all the details and stories, and the second reason is that I simply would never publish everything. In my opinion, the Chassidim have a right of privacy as well. Not everything has to be in the headlines.
As our favourites are gone, we had to look for other options last Friday night. As the whole Dushinsky building was silent and not shaking, we supposed that nothing special was going on and didn't even investigate any further. Instead we walked up Yoel Street and went to the rather small Chassiut Kretchnif. The Krechtnifer Rebbe of Jerusalem is not the only one of the group. Further Kretchnifer Rebbes are to be found in Rehovot, Haifa or Williamsburgh.
The Krechtnif women in Jerusalem keep a certain distance to all visitors from outside Mea Shearim. It takes some time to get in touch but it seems that we are on the way. Last Friday, we were offered cake from the Rebbe's Tish. That's something.
Women from other groups are more open. I have already mentioned the women of Toldot Aharon and should add the one's from Toldot Avraham Yitzchak. They are extremely nice. Of course, you have to go according to their rules and should speak Yiddish or Hebrew. And it goes without saying that someone has to be Jewish. Being Jewish when going to a Tish is an absolute MUST.
What those women do not expect is a total agreement to their Takanot. I once heard a Chabad girl talking to a Toldot Aharon woman and the later didn't criticize the girl. However, in her opinion, only Toldot Aharon and maybe some others like them, keep the Mitzwot "kmo she zarich – as it should be". I wasn't surprised at all to hear such an opinion.
We are not alone searching for Tishes and last Friday is was harder than usual. Only Belz, the Slonim and Kretchnif had Tishes going on. The women's side (Ezrat Nashim) of Kretchnif was busy. Even a Toldot Aharon woman walked in with her two young daughters. Downstairs were about 60 men; Slonim, Toldot Aharon, Satmar and Shomrei Emunim.
The Kretchnifer Rebbe was in a great mood and encouraged the Chassidim to sing with him. He very much emphasizes on participation and welcomes everybody. The Rebbe doesn't make a difference between his Chassidim or someone from Satmar or the Slonim. "Setzen, setzen – sit down, sit down" he always says.
The thing I like most at Kretchnif is the dance of the Rebbe. He usually does it twice and it is very emotional. Before and after, the Chassidim make a circle around the synagogue tables and dance while the Rebbe remains standing at his place at the Tish.
Towards the end, the Rebbe joins the circle and he dances with such a speed that the other Chassidim have problems to keep up with him. However, I really like when he dances by himself.
If you are looking for an enthusiastic Tish, you should definitely visit Kretchnif. Another advantage is that it is not packed with hundreds of Chassidim.
At about 2.00 am, the Tish was over and the Chassidim accompanied the Rebbe home. I guess he lives in the same building upstairs.
When we left the building, we faced a rather strange incident. Walking back a few Meters to Yoel Street, we saw a kind of police car standing there. It wasn't really a police car. I said on the car in Hebrew letters: "Shmira Ke'Halacha – Guide according to Halacha".
The Chassidim weren't too happy about a car driving around Mea Shearim on Shabbat and as soon as they started approaching it, the car moved a few meters further. I couldn't spot out the driver.
Apparently, the Chassidim couldn't understand what was going on with this strange car but nothing further happened.
If no Tish is taking place at Dushinsky next Erev Shabbat, we will definitely be back at Kretchnif.
The Kretchnifer Rebbe usually gives two Derashot (Torah teachings) in the middle of his Tish. His third speech is more personal and it mostly includes his experiences with other chassidic rabbis.
Last Friday, I was able to listen to his first Derasha. The problem is that he usually doesn’t speak loud enough but this time, he started with a weak voice but got louder and more enthusiastic.
His Derasha was about "Tefilah – prayer".
The Israelites were taken out of Egypt because they never gave up praying and always prayed with a high Kavanah (concentration). One cannot just look at the clock and say: "Oh, time for Mincha".
It is important to prepare oneself before prayer and pray from the heart. However, never give up praying.
The Kretchnifer Rebbe at his Tish last Purim