Chassidic Tish in Chassidut Belz (Jerusalem)
This last Shabbat, Mea Shearim as well as Ge'ulah were full of small pamphlets thrown into the streets. Chassidut Belz had spread them out and not, as last Shavuot, its enemy Machnovke (Machnovka) from Bnei Brak.
More then a week ago, Chassidut Belz commemorated the Yahrzeit of its former Rebbe Aharon Rokeach who died on 21st Av in 1957. At about the same time (at the Yahrzeit ten days ago), a Belzer Chassid found the grave of Rebbe Aharon desecrated. Paint was all over the tombstone and the police were informed. As expected, the Belzer Chassidim suspected their rivals from Chassidut Machnovke in Bnei Brak of having the grave desecrated.
Belz (Jerusalem) versus Machnovke (Bnei Brak). The two groups are arch - enemies although the Rebbes are actually from one family. The Belzer Rebbe, Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach, resides in Jerusalem and the Machnovker Rebbe, Rabbi Yehoshua Rokeach, is in Bnei Brak.
The dispute seemingly started while the former Rebbe Aharon Rokeach and his brother, Rabbi Mordechai Rokeach, where still alive. Already at that time, some rebellious Belzer Chassidim didn't want Rabbi Mordechai to become the successor of Rebbe Aharon and played an unfair game.
Later, when Rabbi Mordechai's son, the present Belzer Rebbe, Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach, became the new Belzer Rebbe, some older Chassidim began to rebel because they didn't want to accept him as Rebbe. As a consequence, those rebels left Belz and joined Machnovke. So, it is Machnovke and its Mordim versus Chassidut Belz. All politics but a huge dispute which even became violent when one of those rebels, Eli Englander, recently came from London in order to pray at Rebbe Aharon's. The Belzer caught him and beat him up. Thus, Machnovke is furious and Belz is furious.
If Machnovke really desecrated the grave of the former Belzer Rebbe Aharon Rokeach or not, I think that the whole Machloket is a disgrace on both sides. We just entered the month of Elul, and none of either side should run after tombstones or spread all the hate pamphlets in the Ge'ulah neighbourhood. Of course, the Belzer consider it as their right to protect their dynasty, Rebbe and honour. On the other hand, Machnovke is officially allowed of calling itself "Belz - Machnovke". There has been a Psak - Din (verdict) in this matter. So, why not simply ignore each other, as then, at least, violence would stop. Instead all the little provocations continue. A very sad issue.

Chassidut Machnovke in Bnei Brak
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