The weather has started to become nice and warm; even in the evenings you can sit outside, enjoy your ice cream and chat with friends. This is exactly what I did last night in the Ben Yehudah shopping mall downtown Jerusalem. But first I saw this obviously Christian music group standing there. I couldn't understand anything of their singing but already saw from far away this Christian fundamentalist smile saying: "I have seen the light but you Jews have not."
I met a haredi friend nearby and we sat down a little further away to talk. After ten minutes, the whole thing started. A young guy come up to us and asked if we are interested in some "new" ideas. He suggested that maybe we should take over a new life style. My friend and I weren't pleased, as you can imagine and these kinds of Christians drive me mad. I was already about telling him to mind his own business when my friend started a whole discussion with him.
The young guy, holding his blue "Holy Bible ?" in his hand, told us that he is 21 years old and from South Carolina. If we are interested in listening to some words from the New Testament. Well, we didn't feel like wasting our time with listening to schizophrenic ideas and said NO. My friend, however, tried to explain to the missionary that you don't come to Jerusalem and start all your idol worship mission. Who do you think you are ? We are Israelis and live here, we know the country and many of us have studied our religion for many years. Now comes along a Christian missionary and thinks that he can explain us something. What a stupidity.
After a while, two more missionary guys showed up, each of them holding another unholy bible in their hand. Actually they looked more like Nazis than missionaries.
I was really tempted to call Benjamin Kluger from the Israeli anti - missionary organiszation Yad Le'Achim. I know Benjamin and have spoken to him quite a few times but unfortunately, I didn't have his phone number.
Benjamin Kluger from the Jerusalem branch of "Yad Le'Achim"

It is high time that Yad Le'Achim is going to act in the Ben Yehudah Mall. The missionaries are spreading out because they think that in this location they have an easy target. Young Israelis who are mostly secular and don't know too much about Judaism. Such missionaries are more than arrogant and don't even see that they are one of the most vicious people. The Nazis killed Jews but the missionaries want to steal Jewish souls which makes it even worse.
Just go to Ben Yehudah on Mozzaei Shabbat and have a look. For many weeks now, a Christian choire has been singing there. Happy clappy missionaries waving their arms up in the air and probably experiencing schizophrenic visions.
Where are the Gerer Chassidim when you need them ? Hopefully someone is going to react soon.
Jews for Judaism in Jerusalem
A Youtube video where you can watch my friend dealing with another missionary in Ben Yehudah Street.
These Happy Clappy types are disgusting--Someone should call Satmar and ask invite them to Ben Yehuda. I wonder when Jews are going to wake up and stand up for themselves--stop letting the J-people's money control our country!