Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Christianity: Built on a Lie


Before I start writing about the latest Tuvia Singer lecture, which was brilliant, by the way, I would like to give you a short fact and also a thought.

When I walked down to the Israel Center (OU) to the Tuvia Singer lecture last night, I met Benjamin Kluger from Yad LeAchim. We both happened to have the same way and walked down together.

Benjamin Kluger

While we were talking about different Christian missionary tactics, Benjamin made a very important point: Christianity is built on a lie. !
The church, its pastors, priests, nuns, whatever you want to call the staff, lies in order to get new people in or to keep the others like sheep. Those studying the original version of the Torah, Christians call it Bible, cannot believe any claims of the church let alone the false ideology of Paul.

Further explanations are going to follow tomorrow !

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