Tuesday, March 10, 2009

No expensive Mishloach Manot


Hopefully you haven't spent too much money on the "Mishloach Manot" (presents) before Purim, as the Israeli former Sephardi Chief Rabbi and spiritual leader of the SHASS party, Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, made a decree against wasting all the money.

Especially religious Jews spend too much money on the Mishloach Manot. Countless haredi families don't have enough money to support themselves but they buy exaggerated presents for their rabbis and friends.

In exactly another month, Pessach (Passover) is coming up and this holiday turns out to be quite expensive as well. More presents as well as all the Seder food. How can people ruin themselves already on Purim when they haven't even thought about the expenses on Pessach ?

Buy something small and be happy. Small is sufficient and who needs all this expensive presents ? Is it just to satisfy your ego and show others how great you are ?

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