Thursday, April 16, 2009

The KOTEL on Pessach


Pictures from the KOTEL (Western Wall) during Pessach

Security at the Kotel (guards from a private company)

Not the Kotel but the Muslims on the Temple Mount


  1. B"H

    Hello Shira,

    Mant times it happens that those of us living in Israel forget about to appreciate what we have in our country: the Kotel and other sites.

    Unfortunately, this is the case quite oftenand it is good to read you commentary reminding us that we are so close and other Jews from far away are longing for it.

  2. Lovely
    You should send the post to jpix.

  3. B"H

    To be honest:
    I cannot send them anywhere, as they were published in a haredi forum. Unfortunately not by me !
