Saturday, April 11, 2009

AM:PM Kosher for Pessach


The Tel Aviv grocery chain AM:PM has been boycotted by the Edah HaCharedit as well as by the Chassidut Gur.
AM:PM belongs to the Israeli Dor Alon - Group which also owns the haredi grocery chain SHEFA SHUK. Boycotting AM:PM is useless for the Haredim, as hardly anyone of them is buying there but boycotting the SHEFA SHUK is much more efficient. If Dor Alon isn't closing its AM:PM on Shabbat, SHEFA SHUK won't be on the haredi shopping list anymore.

After an endless war, AM:PM did something surprising this Pessach, and all Israeli Haredim should listen to this: All AM:PM branches are "kasher le'Pessach" !
They only sell "kasher le'Pessach" products (Kidniyiot and no - Kidniyiot) but no Chametz.

I spoke to one of the staff members and she told me that actually I am the first one in their branch noticing that they are kosher for Pessach.
Although the AM:PM is still open on Shabbat, it should be appreciated that they keep kosher on Pessach, as many other places in Tel Aviv don't !

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