Tomorrow (Tuesday), I am going to Sderot. Together with a friend of mine.
In Sderot, a mutual friend who is originally from the States and has been living there for quite a while is going to pick us up.
The small Negev town Sderot is not, what you would call, a popular tourist attraction. However, I think that, at least, every Israeli should spend a few hours there, talk to the inhabitants and see what is going on. And why not more tourists visitors ?
People from abroad should experience what it means living near the Gaza Strip and being constantly threatened by the terror group Hamas.
Many tourists, however, complain that the Israeli army won't let them into Gaza where their (the toruists's) beloved Palestinians live. Hardly anyone of them is interested in Israeli civilians suffering from terror. This, BBC or CNN doesn't want to see. A crying Palestinian child, even those who were beaten up by there mothers, make a better suffering impression than anything Israeli.
The trip to Sderot is not that easy. We will start our trip from Tel Aviv by going down south to Aschkelon:
Tel Aviv
Ashkelon at the Mediterranean Sea
And from Ashkelon we are taking another bus to Sderot:
Collection of Kassam rockets flying on Sderot
A map showing how far a rocket from Gaza can attack Israel. Usually there are only seconds for Israeli civilians in order to find shelter. The new / old plan of Hamas (as well as Fatah and Hizbollah) is launching rockets reaching Tel Aviv.Source: Elder of Ziyon
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