Shabbat Ki Tavo, one of my favourite Parashot of the entire Torah. Among other things speaks the Parasha about "The Land of Milk and Honey" and that Jews should "serve as an example for the Goim (other nations)". Serving as an example, this is what is meant by "Chosen People". Particularly this concept of the "Jews as G - d's Chosen People" is the most misinterpreted concept of the Gentile world.
Today, Israel doesn't seem to be such a great milk and honey country for many Jews. Well, not yet.
Despite all problems, I am glad that I made Aliyah. When I look at all the news in the foreign press, I notice that anti - Semitism has become popular again. Israel is always considered guilty, no matter what we do. But wasn't that predicted by the Prophets ?
So, the nations just fulfill their own task and our prophecies.
Israel may definitely not be perfect yet, but, at least, I don't have to justify myself for being Jewish !
Please note: Next week we are celebrating the birthday of two famous chassidic Rabbis: The Baal Shem Tov and Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (Chabad). Especially Chabad is organizing many of their Farbrengen on Monday night.
"Shabbat Shalom - Gut Schabbes" to everyone and enjoy Parashat Ki Tavo. I am going to spend Shabbat in Jerusalem but won't think about haredi demonstrations and an open "Karta" parking lot.:-)
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