Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dispute between the Edah and the Toldot Aharon Rebbe


The "abusive" mother or whatever you like to call her is still in the Israeli headlines. Believe it or not, the secular and anti - religion paper "Yediot Acharonot" published photos from the mother's family album today. One picture is showing her and how great she is taking care of one of her sons. A loving mother and her hidden children (hidden by the Edah) are saying how much they miss their mother and how much they want her back and pray.

I think I am loosing it !
For the past week, Yediot Acharonot has been gossiping about Haredim, Mea Shearim and the mother and now the children are talking to their journalists and hand over private photos.
Is this world totally going insane ?

The haredi press is reporting about the Toldot Aharon Rebbe David Kahn and his dispute with the head of the Edah HaCharedit, Rabbi Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss. The Edah rejects any psychiatric treatment for the mother. However, the Toldot Aharon Rebbe convinced her to go and, at the same time, announced that if the mother wasn't going, no further demonstrations would take place. At least not from the side of the Toldot Aharon.

The dispute hasn't found an end yet and is to be continued !

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