Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Book Recommendation


Some readers may not like this particular book recommendation; I, on the other hand, have nothing against him and do enjoy reading his books. Natan Slifkin was facing a tremendous controversy after publishing his books on animals and creation.You can go to his website ZOOTORAH and learn all about it and him.

Here are two of his books I recommend reading. Especially SACRED MONSTERS where Natan Slifkin refers to unicorns, mermaids, sea monsters, the Shamir, dragons or werewolves. Its an interesting reading and for those of you who, for one reason or another, won't get his books: I am going to refer to some of his content in my blog articles. 

What Natan Slifkin did in his books is providing the reader with all kinds of sources. He definitely did his homework.

Photos: Miriam Woelke

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