Friday, November 13, 2009

Interview of the TAY Rebbe Shmuel Yaakov Kahn


I just wonder what the Edah HaCharedit has to say about the interview of the Toldot Avaraham Yitzchak Rebbe Shmuel Yaakov Kahn and his wife, Rebbitzen Channah.

Rebbe Shmuel Yaakov's problem is that he has to satisfy the Edah and donors who are against violence at demonstrations. He cannot just leave the Edah, as he maybe would like to do. Some years ago, Satmar criticized him severly for going to a Simcha at the house Israel Eichler from Chassidut Belz. The Edah and Belz are still not on such good terms, as Belz left the Edah in the early eighties and ran over to the Agudah. Belz simply needed the money from the Israeli government and could not afford living on donations only.

Sometimes I do wonder why Rebbe Shmuel Yaakov is still part of the Edah. The question is, could he really leave ? How much power does he have within his group ?
I can imagine that more extreme members still have a word to say on the Rebbe's opinions.
The Mea Shearim world, however, considers Reb Shmuel Yaakov as leaving the way (of the Chatam Sofer).

Read the Rebbe's interview here :

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